News about Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the XLAB.

Erasmus Mundus scholar Kiran Parajuli and ISC alumnus Àlex Tudoras encouraged a career in science.

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Students participating in the Internationalen Science Camp worked with biomedical techniques.

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International students studied in the LARI and the MPI for Multidisciplinary Science.

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Students experimented with Scientists from Göttingen about energy conversion and renewable energies.

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The polymers, which are important from an economic and ecological point of view, have many facets.

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The International Science Camp conducted Experiments covering Light and Matter at Göttingen University.

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The International Science Camp 2022 has started with participants from all over the world.

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The Chemical Industry Fund (FCI) is sponsoring a Science Camp where wood becomes an innovative super material.

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Inquisitive young people immerse themselves in the world of science.

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34 Alkev High School students participate in a webinar on synapses.

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