News about Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the XLAB.
Students explore the use of a mathematical model for health protection.
Two camps focused on the physical principles of everyday systems and technical applications.
The German Science Camps for young people between 16 and 20 years were a great success.
Fundacio-Catalunya-La Pedrera from Barcelona promoted a Science Camp in August 2021.
The development and application of optical sensors for health will be the topic at XLAB.
Twelve teachers participated in the digital teacher training on 2021, June 21.
The SFB 1073 enters its next period with a science outreach project.
At its Göttingen site, ZEISS supports XLAB's summer science camps for young people.
The internationally active partner in biopharmaceutical research sponsors a summer camp.
The Chemical Industry Fund (FCI) is sponsoring a chemistry camp at XLAB that will focus on natural and synthetic building blocks for making plastics.
XLAB Göttingen experimental laboratory for young people - central facility of the university