Wave Physics
For Student Groups

How do waves propagate in space? Was happens when several waves interfere? In this course, microwaves are used to investigate diffraction, interference and spatial intensity distributions in a series of experiments.

Book Wave Physics

16 to 21 years
0.5 to 1 day
Maximum number of participants


  • Diffraction
  • Interference
  • Double-slit
  • Interferometry
  • Refraction and transmission
  • Polarization und reflection

The concept of waves is fundamental for the understanding of many physical phenomena. Microwaves provide a good opportunity to investigate wave phenomena experimentally because their wavelength of some cm is easily measurable. Interference phenomena, diffraction and intensity distributions can be directly observed.

We offer the course on wave physics with focus on different aspects:

•    Diffraction 
•    Double-slit 
•    Standing wave
•    Reflection and transmission 
•    Refraction

Alternative: Interference
•    Standing wave 
•    Double-slit  
•    Michelson interferometer 
•    Wave propagation in acrylic glass
•    Bragg’s law

•    Double-slit 
•    Mach-Zehnder interferometer 
•    Bragg’s law 
•    Zone plate
•    Total internal reflection und evanescent wave

Additionally to the experiments with microwaves, simulations or experiments on the wave nature of light can be included in the course.


Electromagnetic radiation and energy transport; Waves and radiation in medicine and IT